What Makes iTeam So Different?

Well, in this world of fast connectedness, a lot of companies complain that their message paradoxically does not get through, or does not get through correctly, out and within. Why? The main reason is that ultra fast virtual connectedness and old event planning ways, are not a good match. When things were slower, less “connected”, people would have to actually meet and talk more. Today, because connectedness has already (supposedly) happened upstream, most events go straight to the sales points, or the technical points, or the marketing points. However, they do not account for the HUMAN FACTORS. Individually or collectively, the human factors, have been taken out of the equation. The results: lack of motivation, conflictual strategies, miscommunication, inconclusive ROI.

Companies inject a lot of their marketing money into meetings, conferences, sales kick offs, product launches, in the most classical ways: through a rapidly growing network of event planners, or even in-house event-planners specialized in just that. It is for the most part somewhat effective. But is it sustainably maximizing the investment? No!

Why? I don’t know about you, but personally if I take the same road every day to go to work, I end up not paying attention to the road itself and its surroundings. I just go from A to B, with not much interest or excitement to get to B, in other words, to go to work!

Imagine a road that stimulates my curiosity, a road on which I can think, and re-invent, while knowing that I am safe, productive, and valued. And on this road, excitement is provided by the very same company for which I am driving? Will I prefer to take the old boring path or drive on that path and get from A to Work with great anticipation?

When a company grows its revenues, and its work force grows its motivation for evangelizing the company’s culture and products, then you have a winning team.

What does iTEAM do that is so different? We provide that road for your company, your teams and your clients, so that the human factors are accounted for. You need to communicate using old and new ways. Whilst you might still need a large hotel, conference rooms and breakouts, you might also just do the same in unusual places, and in the most unusual ways, to reinforce the human factors and get the most of your investment.

All you need is to try and compare! You will quickly notice the difference!

Dare to be different.

Choose iTEAM!

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