Nov 10-14, 2022 – Our client wanted his franchisees to feel immersed in the emotions of “reaching out to the Moon”

We worked hard with our client’s team to make this dream come true, overcoming the challenges of hurricane Nicole who decided to hit the night before the arrival of 175 guests and go through where the group would stay! We rebooked each and every passenger on new flights to Miami instead of Orlando, changed entirely our arrival logistics and transportation plans in less than 24h, and set up the meeting room with backup generators. But, we prevailed and when all guests arrived with their 3 busses the very next day, it was like nothing had happened and the seminar could start with amazing stories to tell and more incredible memories to make! This video is to be credited to Uppernation, which accompanied our client during the entire duration of the seminar!

Seminar: To the Moon – 175 franchisees from all over the world
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