Breathtaking Alaska

Have you never thought of visiting the United States in a different way? Ideal for a reward trip or team-building for small teams, ITEAM-USA has tested the wonderful state of Alaska for you. Imagine staying in a Lodge 2.5 hours drive from Fairbanks in the middle of the mountains, being accompanied by a private photographer and a private guide, and setting off on a different adventure every day: being treated to a dog mushing experience, meeting dogs and a handler, champions of the Iditarod or Yukon races, or trek to an ice cave, or even discover a glacier by snow machining and sled. And then of course meet and share with those who accompany you. A unique travel experience and great human encounters!

Without forgetting of course the possibility of observing the Northern Lights as we had the chance to do during our site inspection!

We will make it happen for you!

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