Organic Travel Events

Augmented Reality, Conferences, Internet, Webinar, Social Media.

What do these words have in common?

It is not about the people it’s about the message. The message from your sales force to your clients. The message from your company to your partners, the message from your leaders to your workforce. Always the message.

It’s almost never about the people sending and receiving the message.

What is wrong with that?


Your message is not getting the attention it deserves, through any of these media and communication outlets.


At the end of the optic fibers, or in those anonymous chairs listening to the PPTX presentation, in the conference room, there are PEOPLE, HUMANS.

The new digital era forgets about the HUMAN FACTORS; something intrinsically obvious, yet totally forgotten.

The people your message is intended to are humans; humans, with their fears, their excitement, their success, their failure, their daily routines, their stress about their family and kids, their mortgage, their dreams for themselves and their family, their aspirations, their sorrow and pain, and their happiness.

If you are not addressing the elephant in the room first: THE HUMAN FACTORS, you will eventually lose touch, literally and physically, with your sales force and your clients.

It seems counter intuitive now that everything is about “connectivity”. However, deep in your heart, you know that the more “connectivity” we have, the less connected we feel. And it is going to get worse before it gets better.

You will most definitely never regain that touch using those massive dinosaur like outlets, which do not see the comet approaching in the form of a very dark cloud, which might very well turn The Cloud into a choking reality where no one sees the sun and no one lives long and prosper anymore.

How do you fix that?

Change your communication habits! Use all the usual outlets as tools, not as the way to achieve success. The best way to get your clients to buy (even to buy connectivity products!), and your work force to work harder is to give both of them a sense that they belong, and to allow all of their senses to be satisfied, in the real world, the world where nothing needs to be augmented, but simply lived fully as a very personal, yet shared experience!

You can’t be sure that your message to your clients will be heard. What if they are not in the mood, even if they show up (on the phone, on your webcast, or at your usual convention)? There is no way to know, the day of that important conference if your key client will have had a good day, or a bad week altogether.

So, how can you maximize the probabilities that both your clients and your sales force will be in a good place when they meet?

If your take your sales force, and your target clients (acquired and prospects), that you remove them from their routine, and bring them to a place and time where they can be fully human, while forgetting their life’s hurdles, you are giving them, and your company the opportunity to exchange on a human level, which almost no one is virtually accustomed to do anymore!

And it is in that space and time continuum that you will create the fabric of your expanding universe and brand, with a growth that even the pull back from the competition cannot beat.

The investment is virtually the same as creating a convention, or a large conference, but with only your targeted acquired and prospect clients and your pumped-up sales force.

At iTEAM we create these space-time continua of opportunity, where both your sales forces and your clients engage in the best possible auspices.

Inquire about our Organic Travel Events.

What is an Organic Travel Event? It is where Corporate Incentive meets Human Factors, upstream, where the true values of shared interests is developed and implemented in the most human basic ways: sharing a meal in the bush in Africa surrounded by torches, while nature is roaring around you, it is driving Porsches through the regions of France as a team, to find your next castle hotel where you all will be treated to a wine tasting, it is to discover the beauty of the wilderness of the Atlas in Morocco, it is sharing your strategy around a bonfire in the desert and spending the night in your luxury traditional Berber tent.

As a company, you are not rewarding your troops for a job well done, or your client for their faithfulness, you are giving them the tools upstream in that space-time continuum, to create durable successful relationships that make your sales force and your clients literally happy and engaged. As a result, your company grows, your culture is established, and your return is assured.

You will not achieve that through a webinar, a teleconference, or even a conference or a show.

It is difficult once you have experienced a true feast of all the senses TOGETHER to go elsewhere to find only boring human experiences. For this very simple reason, Organic Travel Events are a way to create and solidify strong sales bonds and company culture.

If you are still wondering what an Organic Travel Event is, check out our services and start planning yours!

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